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2021 Conference Sponsership Details

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Sponsership Details (PDF)

Please do not hesitate to contact our Program Coordinator.

At this year’s Great Lakes InfraGard Conference leaders in their respective industries will discuss trends related to risks to critical infrastructure with a focus on the intersection between efforts to protect these assets and the value various underground groups gain by attacking them. This daylong event will feature Keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and discussion panels involving numerous authorities from various sectors in the critical infrastructure realm.

● Our membership of over a thousand, includes executive and professional representation from industry, government, and academia. This virtual event will be advertised to all of the nationwide chapters of InfraGard, as part of the 25th Anniversary celebration.

● Our conference will virtually bring you together with expertise while connecting you to the resources of the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.

● InfraGard was founded on the principle of connecting Public-Private professionals for networking and mutual aid. Nurturing these relationships at meetings and conferences so that during emergency situations you can reach out to your colleagues knowing what you each bring to the table.

● Through the FBI, members have access to information that is not available to the public, from national and international intelligence sources.

● Our Michigan chapter is a resource for education and awareness. Quarterly meetings with expert speakers provide an opportunity to identify cross-cutting issues about all critical infrastructures. Our leadership is convinced that secure business systems will come only from the balancing of physical, operational, and information security.

● Attending our events complements and extends the reach of other, thriving private organizations like HTCIA, ASIS, CSA, ISSA, ISACA, ISC2, carrying their leadership and sound practices to a wider regional audience.

● InfraGard Michigan Members Alliance is part of a secure, private reporting system. InfraGard members across the nation are linked to each other and to the FBI by the Bureau's secure "alert network." Companies can anonymously report incidents to all other members without fear of publicizing their vulnerability.

● Exhibitors and Sponsors will have exclusive access to our ever-expanding membership, on our website, social media posts, and virtual booths as well as push announcements during our conference.
